Our Mission

Creating Inclusive Spaces

For effective and compliant workplaces moving towards inclusion and diversity

Our Services

Are you figuring out how to make your workspace accessible and compliant?

Are you figuring out how to make your workspace accessible and compliant?

Accessibility Audits

Svadhin’s accessibility audit assesses workplaces and facilities against Indian accessibility compliance standards and/or International best-practices to identify universal design barriers for people with disabilities. Our audit proposes recommendations and shares guidelines for identified barriers to support internal teams in complying with the set standards.

Are you looking for resource-effective ways to implement universal design principles?

Are you looking for resource-effective ways to implement universal design principles?

Accessibility Transition Consultation and Design

Svadhin’s consulting and design services enable smooth accessibility transition of workplaces through planning, vendor identification, establishing guidelines and standards, and implementation through design work whether civil or otherwise for bridging physical accessibility gaps mandated by the RPwD Act.

Are you looking to integrate accessibility right in the beginning for your workspaces?

Are you looking to integrate accessibility right in the beginning for your workspaces?

Accessibility Consultation and Blueprint Review for Projects

Svadhin’s blueprint review integrates accessibility at blueprint stage for upcoming projects and complete renovation of spaces for compliance and universal design inputs.

Is your implementation of NBC's Accessibility standards complete?

Is your implementation of NBC's Accessibility standards complete?

Accessibility Closing Audit

Svadhin’s closing audit verifies if the implementation for overcoming accessibility gaps is complete and presents the final accessibility status of the building.